
Just another weblog

Kids do the strangest things… July 31, 2008

Filed under: Daily Grind — notenoughcoffee @ 5:20 pm

OK, so in the last week, my children have truly amazed and amused me with their oh-so-original antics.  Here’s just a few highlights.

I took advantage of the Beauty Brands liter sale and bought some brand new Matrix Biolage Kola Nut Mint shampoo (say that five times really fast).  Its supposed to promote scalp health and leave your head all tingly.  Well, one of my twins (not saying who) decided to use it as bath wash.  He said it was awesome and I should try it.  Ten minutes go by and he comes shrieking into the living room and said his nether regions were freezing!!  He was freaking out and trying to warm himself up.  Ha!  I had to try not to laugh.  No wait, it gets better.  Another 10 minutes go by and he calls his brother upstairs and HIGHLY recommends that he uses the shampoo as body wash.  Talk about brotherly love.

Another event at our house this week was when my 2 year old decided to make his own eggs for breakfast.  I’ve made egg mcmuffins for us a couple of times this week and was out of eggs.  After I ran to the store to buy more I left it on the stove while I ran next door for a minute.  I came back to find Corbin in the kitchen with an egg in a bowl and a whisk in his hand.  No one else was in the kitchen with him!  I asked him was he was doing and he said, “My cook egg, Mom.  My do it.”  I called the other boys into the kitchen and we were all wondering where the egg shell went.  (He put in on the table.)  Three eggs later, Corbin was finally ready to throw in the apron and call it a day.

Wow.  When I sat down to write this, there were a few more anecdotes I had in mind, but now I am drawing a blank.  Drats!  Oh, well.  Later.  I’d better go check on the little buggers.

July 30, 2008

July 30, 2008


One Response to “Kids do the strangest things…”

  1. STEVE Scearcy Says:

    Hi Kid! What fun. Enjoyed reading all you posts. Lots of fun. My favorite is the one on exercise. Talk to you soon


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